DyChrom successfully participated the 14th ACE Conference and Exhibition
AgroChemEx (ACE), is an annual agrochemical conference and exhibition organized by China Crop Protection Industry Association (CCPIA) since 2005. The 14th ACE was held at the Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Center on October 29, 2014, which was hosted by CCPIA with joint supports of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), etc.
With ten years of continuous efforts, the ACE Exhibition has become one of the most influential business platform for crop protection industry around the world, which attracted high attention both domestically and abroad. There were more than 500 Chinese and foreign exhibitors attended the 14th ACE.
DyChrom, as one of the most important raw material supplier for FS and seed treatment products, also gained broad attention in the exhibition. Our key products: Dycoseed-pigment preparation for FS, Dycofast-powder pigments for FS and Dycomer-polymer for FS products were exhibited and got very active response from the visitors. Especially many overseas customers showed great interest in our products, which opend the door for our export business. DyChrom booth has been one of the hottest point in the exhibition, and it is believed that by participating the exhibition we made a remarkable step forward for the market penetration.
It was a fruitful exhibition where we achieved more market attention and learnt more market information of the FS products and the entire crop protection industry. To continue to serve the market, we have booked a booth for the 2015 ACE exhibition, we look forward to seeing you again next year in Shanghai.